There have been hundreds of 'Tea Party' events which have already been held across the country. On April 15th, there are more than 500 Tax Day Tea Parties which have been organized. This is a massive grassroots undertaking, and the libs are getting a little worried. The MSM is trying to ignore them, liberal bloggers are doing their best to minimize them, and other more activist libs are trying to obstruct and disrupt the efforts.
The Patriotic Resistance is one of the organizers of the Tax Day Tea Parties. They have been the latest target of these lib-tard efforts at disruption. Today I received an e-mail from the Resistnet National Coordinator, Darla Dawald, which describes this recent, ongoing attack. Read it below.
A message to all members of The Patriotic Resistance
All Resistnet Members
Dear Patriots,
This message is being sent to clarify some emails that have been going out to many members of several groups here at Resistnet.com.
The trolls/libs have been duplicating some of the moderators, admin, and a few other prominant members here on the site. Under that mask they proceeded to send out messages in our name. One did this acting like me and the content was disturbing. I assure you this email was not sent by me but rather by someone assumming my screen name and copying my picture as has been done to others as well.
If you should receive any more emails with questionable content pease report this to the new help desk manned by Terri M. There is a discussion to put your questions on and also you can just post it on the comment wall. Terri M or one of our staff will take care of it. If you can provide the screen name and or address of this trolls/troublemakers profile page that would be most helpful.
This is encouraging in that we are growing and are making a difference. The left is afraid of strong conservative groups. I am sure there will be more attacks and ask that you would be patient as we deal with them. But mostly we want you to know that none of us would ever send out an email with profanity, abuse of a member, or questionable content such as what was sent out recently.
On a positive note, the state groups are growing and so are the new district groups. We are making some very good strides and if you hadn't planned on joining a tax day tea party in your town we hope you will reconsider. We posted downloadable signs and flyers for you to take with you and they are great! We are all making some pretty important history right now and we have to step it up to get their attention.
We appreciate all of you who have been working very hard on taking America back to the people!
Happy Easter and may God Bless you and yours!
Darla Dawald
National Coordinator/Admin
I do not plan to attend a TaxDay Tea Party in my local area as I will be on vacation in Florida on the 15th, however, I do plan to attend a Tea Party in Fort Myers. I do not plan to live blog from the event as I will be too busy protesting against the tyranny of my government, but I will be taking lots of pictures which I will be posting for you to see.
Hi, DA!And, of course, we have all heard by now that ACORN is planning to infiltrate the tea parties. somehow, that kind of broke my heart.. It's breathtaking that behavior and that which you mentioned in the email in your post...
The Left is everywhere, in control, and we're just shot down and shot down and, when we complain ,we're the 'knuckle dragging rightwing, the PARTY OF NO'..these are very tough times.
Happy Easter, DA..and have a nice time away.......
Not surprising that the Acorn types would do this! Great blog here
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