Featured Verse

"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (II Tim 3:16) "The sum of Your word is truth" (Psalm 119:160)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Will This Mistake Become One of Obama's Worst?

Now that Comrade Obama has completed his first one hundred days as the 'Dear Leader', many bloggers are referencing the piece by the New York Post; 100 Days, 100 Mistakes.
But here is one mistake which you probably will not see in the MSM, and it has the potential to be one of Obama's biggest. A year ago this month, the State Department issue the following statement;
“Iran has repeatedly resisted numerous calls to transfer custody of its AQ [al-Qaida] detainees to their countries of origin or third countries for interrogation or trial. Iran also continued to fail to control the activities of some AQ members who fled to Iran following the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan."
This last February, an Iranian government official came to Washington with an offer to turn over top al-Qaida operatives, including some on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list. The State Department declined the offer. Read the full story here.
If you remember, back in 1996, the government of the Sudan made a similar offer to then president Bill Clinton, regarding Osama bin Laden. While that offer was not quite on a 'silver platter', many believe that Clinton did not do all that could have been done to take advantage of that offer. How many lives will this mistake by the Obama administration cost?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Turncoat Specter Finally Jumps Ship

So Arlen Specter finally comes to the realization that he is not a conservative. I've got one question for Arlen Specter; 'What took you so long?' Check out this story from the Washington Post.

Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter will switch his party affiliation from Republican to Democrat and announced today that he will run in 2010 as a Democrat, according to a statement he released this morning.

Specter's decision would give Democrats a 60 seat filibuster proof majority in the Senate assuming Democrat Al Franken is eventually sworn in as the next senator from Minnesota. (Former senator Norm Coleman is appealing Franken's victory in the state Supreme Court.)

"I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary," said Specter in a statement. "I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election."

He added: "Since my election in 1980, as part of the Reagan Big Tent, the Republican Party has moved far to the right. Last year, more than 200,000 Republicans in Pennsylvania changed their registration to become Democrats. I now find my political philosophy more in line with Democrats than Republicans."

He now finds that his political philosophy is more in line with Democrats than Republicans. How could he have only just now have come to this realization? Specter's 29 year record is one which has always betrayed his true political ideology.

- He is pro abortion.
- He believes in Roe vs. Wade as "inviolate" and that "nobody can be confirmed today who does not agree with it".
- He voted against Reagan's Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert H. Bork.
- He supported the judicial obstructionist mentality of the Democrats during the Bush administration.
- He has all but stated outright that the idea of Supreme Court rulings being limited by the principles of the constitution is abhorrent.
- He is a firm believer in race based preferences.
- He has long opposed tax reform.
- He is a supporter and friend of the International Criminal Court.

How could it be that the only person who was unaware that Arlen Specter a Democrat (at least at heart), was Arlen Specter himself. And why now? Did he suddenly bolt upright in bed this morning and exclaim, 'Oh, my God! I'm a Democrat!' Not at all. Mr. Specter has always been a opportunist, and this is just more of the same. He believes that his best chance of being re-elected in 2010 is by switching parties. "I am unwilling to have my 29-year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate," he said in the statement.

Well, Mr. Specter, on your way out, don't worry about the door, look out for the boot.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party, Fort Myers, FL

Well, the nationwide Tax Day Tea Party protest was, I think, a big success. There were more than 800 across the country. While the MSM tries to downplay the significance of the events and underestimate the numbers of the attendees, the Tea Parties certainly could not be ignored.
As planned, we attended the Tea Party in Fort Myers, Fl. I took a few pictures at the event which I have posted below. The event was scheduled to begin at 5 pm at Centennial Park in downtown Fort Myers. We arrived at 5:10 and there were easily about a thousand people already gathered. That number swelled to at least 2000 by 6 pm. The people gathered were not a potential terror threat as Janet Napolitano would have everyone believe. Nor were they a bunch of 'confused racists'. These were just folks. Cashiers from Walmart, construction contractors, real estate agents, executives, and grand parents. Just concerned citizens, patriots, who understand that the fast track to socialism which our leaders have set us upon will lead to a reduced quality of life for all Americans.
I observed no racially motivated signage or posters. There were no cars overturned, trash cans set ablaze, or calls for violence which are typically associated with leftwing political activism. There was nothing which could justify these obscene characterizations from Garofalo and Napolitano. While it is clear that these characterizations are nothing more than an effort to cast aspersions on the protesters, it will not have the intended effect. These protests will continue and spread. The next events and activities are already being planned. See here, here, here, and here.
Now, with respect to the MSM estimates of the total numbers of protester on tax day, those estimates place the attendance between 250,000 and 500,000. Michelle Malkin uses 'liberal math' to proclaim the Tax Day Tea Party event as the Million Taxpayer March.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Lib-tard Empire Strikes Back

There have been hundreds of 'Tea Party' events which have already been held across the country. On April 15th, there are more than 500 Tax Day Tea Parties which have been organized. This is a massive grassroots undertaking, and the libs are getting a little worried. The MSM is trying to ignore them, liberal bloggers are doing their best to minimize them, and other more activist libs are trying to obstruct and disrupt the efforts.

The Patriotic Resistance is one of the organizers of the Tax Day Tea Parties. They have been the latest target of these lib-tard efforts at disruption. Today I received an e-mail from the Resistnet National Coordinator, Darla Dawald, which describes this recent, ongoing attack. Read it below.

A message to all members of The Patriotic Resistance

All Resistnet Members

Dear Patriots,

This message is being sent to clarify some emails that have been going out to many members of several groups here at Resistnet.com.

The trolls/libs have been duplicating some of the moderators, admin, and a few other prominant members here on the site. Under that mask they proceeded to send out messages in our name. One did this acting like me and the content was disturbing. I assure you this email was not sent by me but rather by someone assumming my screen name and copying my picture as has been done to others as well.

If you should receive any more emails with questionable content pease report this to the new help desk manned by Terri M. There is a discussion to put your questions on and also you can just post it on the comment wall. Terri M or one of our staff will take care of it. If you can provide the screen name and or address of this trolls/troublemakers profile page that would be most helpful.

This is encouraging in that we are growing and are making a difference. The left is afraid of strong conservative groups. I am sure there will be more attacks and ask that you would be patient as we deal with them. But mostly we want you to know that none of us would ever send out an email with profanity, abuse of a member, or questionable content such as what was sent out recently.

On a positive note, the state groups are growing and so are the new district groups. We are making some very good strides and if you hadn't planned on joining a tax day tea party in your town we hope you will reconsider. We posted downloadable signs and flyers for you to take with you and they are great! We are all making some pretty important history right now and we have to step it up to get their attention.

We appreciate all of you who have been working very hard on taking America back to the people!

Happy Easter and may God Bless you and yours!

Darla Dawald
National Coordinator/Admin

I do not plan to attend a TaxDay Tea Party in my local area as I will be on vacation in Florida on the 15th, however, I do plan to attend a Tea Party in Fort Myers. I do not plan to live blog from the event as I will be too busy protesting against the tyranny of my government, but I will be taking lots of pictures which I will be posting for you to see.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Deliberate Under Thinking at ThinkProgress.org

Earlier this evening I was watching Neil Cavuto on Fox News and witnessed the interview he had with Leslie Marshall. Later on in the evening, I found this post by Matt Corley on the Marxist website thinkprogress.org :

Ignoring Fox News polling, Fox New's Neil Cavuto claims 'tea party' protests are 'a popular wave'.

On his Fox News show today, Neil Cavuto joined the rest of Fox News in promoting the radical anti-Obama “tea party” protests, one of which he will be attending and broadcasting from next week. Arguing with radio show host Leslie Marshall, Cavuto claimed that the protests were “a popular wave” sweeping across the country. Watch it:

But Cavuto’s claim ignores a Fox News poll released last week, which found that only 36 percent of Americans said they would “be willing to join” a “tea party” protest.

In addition to the hundreds of tea parties which have already taken place since Rick Santelli went on a rant about the bankrupt liberal agenda of the Administration and Congress, there are more than 500 tax day tea parties which have been scheduled across the country. This is a huge movement.

So, the number of people who would be willing to join a tea party protest is 'only' 36 percent. In the context of political activism, actually getting out on the street with a protest sign and publicly displaying your dissension, 36 percent is a very significant number. And, the Leftards know it!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Should I Draw You a Picture?

Frequently, usually at my place of work, I have an opportunity to speak to someone about politics. All too often I find these individuals to have totally bought into the notion that the rich make too much money and that the government should tax them more.

I try to explain to them that it is the rich in our free market economy who are the 'movers and shakers'. That they have the capital to invest, to expand, and to hire. That when you increase taxes on the rich, they have fewer resources to work with and the economy slows. When you tax them too much the economy begins to decline. The 'movers and shakers' not only do not have the resources to invest, to expand, and to hire; but may have to make some reductions.
Those reductions mean job losses. Despite the higher taxes on the top 5%, the job losses from the top down equate to less revenue to the government, not more. This reduction in revenue means that there will be budget shortfalls. The government has to borrow or print more money to cover those shortfalls; which means more interest on the dollar; which means a further debauching of our currency; which leads to inflation; which leads to more job losses. It's not rocket science, it's common sense.

Try as I might , some just don't get it. It sounds too much like 'trickle down' to them and the media has told them that 'trickle down' is a fallacy. People have stopped thinking for themselves. I get so frustrated sometimes that I just want to throw up my hands and exclaim, "Should I draw you a picture".